If you ask me to look back at Innovation Day, I was excited about starting the project but by the end, I was just excited to know that it was coming to an end. The reason why I wanted it to come to an end was that Innovation Day is a mix of a lot of emotions because it is stressful but at the same time exciting.
Although I was excited for it to come to an end I got to learn a lot about myself for example I learnt that I work better when I have a schedule. What I mean is that I found that I work better if I do things in order. For example, if I work a little bit on the Cospace then work a little bit on the physical build and then a little bit on the Canva I get messed up and lost. But if I focus only on the Cospace until it is finished or finished enough that it only needs some touch-ups and then work on the physical build and then the Canva I don’t get lost or confused.
Another thing I learnt about myself is that I like to do public speaking. Before I presented my project to the judges I was nervous but while I did my first presentation I realized how much I enjoyed it. When the last judge left I was kind of sad because I wanted to present my project to another judge because of how fun it was.
Although I learnt a lot about myself I also learned about how good I am at coding. I don’t mean to sound full of myself but I didn’t realize that I could code so well. The way I found out about this was because one day I was at home and my mom asked me if I wanted to go work on my Cospace to be honest I didn’t want to but I did cause I had nothing better to do. When I got into the Cospace I noticed that there was just something missing I didn’t know what but I just started coding away and accidentally recorded the whole thing! And it turned out better than I thought it would and the judges loved it.
At the end of the day Innovation Day taught me a lot from just simple things like time management to public speaking and coding. Although I was excited for it to come to an end but just to remember everything always has a purpose.
ME and my friend with our project:
Animal Lover